10 Surprising Technology Facts That You Didn’t Know

1.The first Apple logo isn’t what you would think.


Originally, it featured Sir Isaac Newton sitting beneath a tree, with an apple about to fall on his head.

It was designed back in 1976 and featured a phrase around the border which read “Newton…A mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought…alone”.


2.The name for “robot” has dark origins.

If you look into the etymology of “robot,” it comes from the Czech word “robota” which translates to forced labor or work.

The word was first used to refer to a fictional humanoid in a play in 1920.

3.Samsung is 38 years and 1 month older than Apple.

Samsung is 38 years and 1 month older than Apple.


Samsung was founded as a grocery store on March 1, 1938, by Lee Byung-Chull.

Apple Founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak created Apple Computer Inc. on April 1, 1976.

4.A Petabyte is a lot of data.

A Petabyte is a lot of data.


We all know 1 GB is the same 1024 MB, but did you know that 1 petabyte (PB) is equivalent to 1024 terabytes (TB)?

To give an example of how big this is, a 1 PB hard drive could hold 13.3 years of HD-TV video.

A 50 PB hard drive could hold the entire written works of mankind, from the beginning of recorded history, in all languages.

 5.Credit card chips have been around for a LONG time.

Credit card chips have been around for a LONG time.

To many, credit card chips are a relatively new fad. However, the chip technology has been around since 1986!

It was first used in France, followed shortly after by Germany.


6.Alexa is always listening to your conversations.

Alexa is always listening to your conversations.

This probably isn’t new to you. Siri has been doing it forever.

Alexa stores your dialogue history to its cloud to help improve your Alexa experience.

But, you can review and delete these recordings, either in bulk, or individually.

7.People read faster or slower depending what they read from.

People read faster or slower depending what they read from.

Not only do you blink less when you’re on a computer, but reading from a screen also slows you down.

On average, people read 10% slower from a screen than from paper!

As for the blinking part, did you know that during everyday life, people normally blink at a rate of twenty times per minute?

But put them in front of a computer, and that number drops way down to seven times per minute!

8.GPS is free… for some.

GPS is free…for some.

Even though it is free to use GPS globally, it costs $2 million dollars to operate every day.

This money comes from American tax revenue.

9.There are Amish computers.

There are Amish computers.

There are computers specially designed without internet, video, or music capabilities, just for the Amish.

The features include word processing, drawing, accounting, spreadsheets, and more – but not much more.

10.Mac computers were named after the apple.

Mac computers were named after the apple.

It’s not a coincidence that “Macintosh” is similar to the apples called “mcintosh”.

The name was misspelled on purpose to avoid conflict with a manufacturer called “McIntosh Laboratory”.

11.The first computer mouse wasn’t made from plastic.

The first computer mouse wasn’t made from plastic.

Back in 1964, Doug Engelbart invented the first ever computer mouse! Back then, it was made out of wood.

It was rectangular and featured a little button on the top right.

He called it a mouse because the cord coming out of the back reminded him of the tiny rodents.

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